Famous magicians like David Copperfield, Siegfried & Roy, Harry Houdini, and Criss Angel make the seemingly impossible a tangible reality. It’s Magic…and we love it! It’s spectral yet magnetically attractive. We never know exactly what will happen but we’re feverishly excited about what could. It charges our veins with adrenaline and our minds with fantastic fantasies, images, and possibilities. So what about you? What’s your magic? Come on now; we all have a bit of magic brewing inside us! By definition magic is “the art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of incantation or other; presumably under human control of supernatural forces”. Figuratively speaking that could mean “To bear purpose through the embodiment of one’s metaphysical gifts; by means of spiritual embracement.” Each of us has metaphysical gifts. They’re our unseen abilities; involuntary and natural which we choose to ignore or promote, that is, once we’ve recognized them. You see, our gifts hide in plain sight, right under our noses. Seems the harder we try to find them; the harder they are to find. That’s because our gifts find us! Courage is the resurgent that reveals them and brings them to life, explaining why some of us realize our magic while others spend a lifetime searching for it. Self-doubt can bind us in cages, boxes, and chains that other magicians break free from. Self-doubt can suffocate our gifts; leaving us lifeless and unfulfilled. Remember the phrase “I’ll try anything once, twice if I like it?” Our freedom comes from courageously surrendering our compromised selves to our naturally gifted self instead of the other way around. Discovering our gifts is one of life’s great adventures! The gift of self discovery and seeing it unfold before your eyes is monumentally rewarding and cultivates the greatness in us all! Are you ready to come out from behind that curtain and embrace your gifts? It’s simple…just be yourself! Think about it for a moment…Every magical moment in our lives occurred when we were simply being ourselves; our gifted selves, unconscious of the world around us and totally in tune with the moment. Without force or manipulation it just happens…like magic. It happens when you least expect it and by no visible means. It starts with a feeling; an inspiration or a thought and it will grow and grow when given the freedom and encouragement it needs. You, courageously sharing your gifts with the world; making magic that will change your life, and the lives you touch…forever. Alakazam 😉
Hey Lee! Do you have any workouts or tips for building neck muscles? Everyone I talk to says to do “wrestler bridges” but something like that seems like it could cause damage in the long run….thanks in advance.
Steve, of course shrugs, upright rows, and a neck chain are first choices. They offer a great response but with little or no trauma to the back. As always be smart with the amounts of weight that you use (if it hurts don’t do it).