You know, God made us the most amazing, interesting, and dangerous species to walk the earth. Right now, I want you to look at the person next to you and I want you to shake their hand, because in all of history there will never be another person exactly like them. Now, I want you to look them in the eyes and say thank you because in some secret or outgoing way they have helped or will help you in your life. Just the simplest thing like helping them with their books or saying “you can” can not only change the way they feel about you but change the way they feel about themselves for that hour or the rest of their lives. Everyone in this room and in the state and in this world is very special and very unique. You are special! You are unique! Let that sink inside you for a second…you are great! So I want you to look that person straight in the eyes and tell them with all your heart and soul – “It is an honor to shake your hand”.
– Jake Brinn
This is a short but powerful grouping of words written by my son while searching for some answers. He was eleven. Sounds like a good idea to me…
– Coach