What if you could build your own weight loss meal plan in just minutes with your favorite healthy food choices and the skill of a personal trainer… without being a personal trainer?
Welcome to Viision Nutrition!
We built the easiest weight loss app in the fitness industry. No calculating calories, no expensive meal kits, and 100% effective for bodyfat reduction in people 115lbs – 200lbs for only $29.00 a month. Choose your favorite healthy foods for the day from our smart foods data base and Viision does the rest. Viision Nutrition is an advanced formula powered diet app that allows you to build your own weight loss diet plan (M.A.P) in minutes and then create another for every 5lbs of weight loss until reaching your desired healthy bodyweight!
An app that knows how much of each food item you need in your daily meal plan so you don’t have to.
Not magic, just technology working for you!
Get the Viision Basic Nutrition App
Add Viision Basic Training to your Nutrition to get both for less!
**No More Calorie Calculations**: Simply choose your favorite healthy foods for the day, and our app does the rest. We’ve even included a handy seasonings list that rates how good or bad a seasoning is for you!
**Personalized (M.A.P) Meal Plans**: Our advanced technology knows how much of each food you need in your weight loss daily diet if you’re between 115lbs & 200lbs. A 300lb range increase is in the works for 2025.
**100% Effective**: Our approach is designed to deliver results, kind of like having a LEAN BODY GPS!
**Affordable**: At just $29.00 per month, it’s a fraction of the cost of most weight loss programs so share the news with your friends.
Viision M.A.P Builder is meant to be used for individuals who are interested in general body-fat reduction. These meal suggestions are not for athletic performance diets, type 1 or type 2 diabetes meal plans, and other bodyweight related conditions that require medical treatment or advise. We know an awful lot about nutrition, but we are not doctors!
How It Works:
Select your favorite healthy foods from our smart food database.
Let our app create the perfect weight loss M.A.P for you.
Enjoy your food without worrying about portions or calculations.
It’s that easy! No magic, just smart technology working for you.
What’s a M.A.P? Macronutrients, Accountability, and Preparation
Macronutrients – Ensure a balanced intake of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates for lowering body fat.
Accountability – Check-ins and goal tracking with your coach to hold you accountable and bolster your fitness education.
Preparation – By preparing specific meals and snacks to eat on a regular schedule you avoid unhealthy choices, learn what works and how to prepare it, create sustainable nutritional habits.
Why This Matters:
We understand that millions of Americans struggle with finding affordable, effective weight loss solutions. Our new app is designed to make healthy eating accessible to everyone, regardless of their nutritional knowledge, budget or cooking skills.
Get the Viision Basic Nutrition App
Add Viision Basic Training to your Nutrition to get both for less!
Experiment with different MAPS to discover the many food combinations that can take you to a lean body, health and wellness. We can’t wait to hear what you think about the Vision Nutrition M.A.P Builder App. Together, we’re making weight loss simpler and more achievable than ever before! Here’s to your health and happiness, The Vision Nutrition Team