Tough It on the beach, 2 – 3 days per week (45 min max time)
Tools of the trade: One role up exercise mat (yoga mat), one exercise band with handles (… med tension red), one jump rope (optional) and a Buddy (optional).
Cherry Pickers 123, 1, 123, 2 x 10
Single Leg runners stretch x 20ct
Butterfly x 20ct.
10 inch arm circles x 30
Shoulder Cross x 10 ct. ea.
Triceps stretch x 10 ct. ea.
Jumping Jacks or Jack Squat x 60
Pushups (standard / modified) x 30 or 40
Band Biceps Curls x 30
Band Kickbacks x 15 or 20
Jump Squat or Deep knee bends x 20, Lunge x 20 ea side,
Sit Squat ax 30 or 60 seconds or ct..
Jumping Jacks or JUMP ROPE x 60 seconds
Pushups (standard / modified) x 30 or 40
Band Biceps Curls x 30
Band Kickbacks x 15 or 20
Jump Squat or Deep knee bends x 20, Lunge x 20 ea side,
Sit Squat x 30 or 60 seconds or ct..
Jumping Jacks or JUMP ROPE x 60 seconds
Pushups (standard / modified) x 20 or 30
Band Biceps Curls x 30
Band Kickbacks x 15 or 20
3 second Crunches x 15 (hold at the top for 3 seconds)
V-sit x 30-60 second holds
Scissor Kicks or Toe Touchers x 15ea.
Jack Knife x 15
Pogo hop side to side over band x 30
Sit Squat x 30 seconds
Pogo hop over band x 30
Sit Squat x 30 seconds
Pogo hop over band x 30 (ea hop)
Sit Squat x 30 seconds
Buddy (Band) Backs x 20 – 30 (Double bands one person at a time)
Band standing military presses (Seated for modification)
Buddy Side Laterals x 15ea (one persona at a time)
(can be done individually with band by adjusting band length)
Buddy (Band) Backs x 20 – 30 (Double bands one person at a time)
Band standing military presses (Seated for modification)
Buddy Side Laterals x 15ea (one persona at a time)
Face down plank x 30-60 seconds
Side Planks x 15-30 seconds ea
Band Standing Rows x 20 – 30 (wrap around a post or have a buddy hold other end)
Band standing military presses (knees for modification)
Band Side Laterals x 15ea
Face down plank x 30-60 seconds
Side Planks x 15-30 seconds ea