For years now I’ve been requesting my clients stick to their regimented plans for a minimum of 14 days before even a taste of anything else. After a two week hiatus the taste buds are ready to have any new...
JUST SAY NO…Live longer, stronger, lighter!
To avoid sodium chloride related issues simply restrict your salt levels to 1400-1800 milligrams per day.
BURN Fat with Fat? Great News for Dieters!
The current trend: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. It’s no secret that EFA’s (essential fatty acids) are important to your body for health reasons but I’m not convinced that folks are giving them all the credit that they deserve so lets...
Low Calorie Cocktails
From the bar to the scale; these work best! Light beers: Amstel Light 95 cals., Bud Light 95 cals., Michelob Ultra 95 cals., Miller Light 96 cals., Yuengling Light Lager 96 cals., Yuengling Light 98 cals., Coor’s Light 102...