The Sneakymonia…

Walking Pneumonia.
SickMany people may be aware of traditional pneumonia, which is a serious infection of the lungs. If a person gets regular pneumonia, they will need hospitalization in order to get themselves healthy again. And yet, there is a type of pneumonia that is as harmless as a flu. It is called walking pneumonia. What is walking pneumonia? Walking pneumonia is a relatively minor lung infection that is caused by the Mycoplasma pneumoniae organism. And although the bacteria is causing an infection in the lungs, the disease itself is so minute that it is possible the body can cure it without additional treatment. This is why walking pneumonia developed its interesting name, since it is possible to do things normally despite what is going on inside your body. Of course, treating walking pneumonia nonchalantly is definitely not recommended, since the disease still produces uncomfortable symptoms and can be contagious. “sourced from the definitive guide to Pneumonia:

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